A high dose of long term treatment with deprenyl loses its effect on antioxidant enzyme activities as well as on survivals of Fischer-344 rats
Carrillo MC, Kanai S, Kitani K, Ivy GO
Institute De Fisiologia,
Experimental, Universidad Nacional De Rosario,
Republica Argentina.
Life Sci 2000 Oct 13;67(21):2539-48
ABSTRACTThe survival rate of male Fischer-344/Du rats treated chronically with high doses of deprenyl was investigated. Eighteen month old rats were treated with 1 mg/kg s.c. deprenyl 3 times per week for 13 months. At the age of 31 months, treated rats showed a greater mortality rate with three of 12 rats surviving, while in saline-treated control animals seven of 12 animals survived. No significant differences in superoxide dismutase (SOD) or catalase (CAT) activities in brain regions of control and treated animals were seen at 31 months of age. In contrast, when 27 month old rats were treated in the same manner for one month, significant increases in SOD (both Cu,Zn- and Mn-) and CAT activities were found in substantia nigra, striatum and cerebral cortex, but not in hippocampus. This effect was produced with a wide range of deprenyl doses (0.25-2 mg/kg, but not 4 mg/kg). Although a causal relationship between the two different effects of the drug, i.e. 1) increases in antioxidant enzyme activities and 2) the prolongation of survival of animals, has not been directly demonstrated, the loss of both effects with the high dose of the drug in the present experiment may be taken as circumstantial evidence for their causal relationship.SOD
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